
HPLC法测定喷昔洛韦在健康人血浆浓度及其药代动力学研究 被引量:5

Determination of penciclovir concentration in plasma and study on its pharmacokinetics in Chinese healthy volunteers by HPLC
摘要 目的建立高效液相色谱法测定健康人血浆中喷昔洛韦(抗病毒药)浓度的方法,并研究其在健康人体的药代动力学。方法色谱柱为Agilent Zorbax SB-C18(4.6mm×150mm,5μm)。流动相为甲酸溶液和乙腈,用梯度洗脱方式,流量为1.0mL·min^-1。用该法研究10名健康受试者静脉滴注喷昔洛韦250mg的药代动力学。结果线性范围:血浆样品为0.05~5.00μg·mL^-1(7=0.9999);尿样为0.1~20.0μg·mL^-1(7=0.9998)。血样及尿样的日内、日间皆RSD〈3%。其体内过程符合二室模型,其药代动力学参数:Cmax为(3.63±0.72)μg·mL^-1,AUC0-t为(7.67±1.10)μg·h·mL^-1。为(1.79±0.26)h,24h尿药累积排泄率为(73.9±15.6)%。结论此方法准确、简便、灵敏度高、专属性强,适用于临床药代动力学研究。 Objective To establish a HPLC methods for determination of peneielovir in human plasma and applied to study the pharmaeokineties in healthy volunteers. Methods The chromatographic separation was achieved on a Agilent Zorbax SB -CIS (4.6 mm × 150 mm, 5μ m). The mobile phase consisted of formic acid solution and aeetonitrile at a flow rate of 1.0 mL · min^-1, a gradient separation was programmed. The pharmaeokinetie analysis of peneielovir in 10 volunteers after intravenous infusion of 250 mg peneielovir injection formulation was studied. Results A good linearity was obtained from O. 05 to 5. 00 μg · mL^- 1 in plasma (γ=0.9999), and O. 1 to 20.0 μg · mL^-1 in urine (γ =0.9998). The intraday and interday RSD were less than 3%. It was found to be fitted to a two - compartment open model and its pharmaeokinetie parameters were as follows : Cmax was ( 3.63 ±0. 72 ) μg · mL^- 1, AUC0-t was (7.67 ± 1 .10) μg · h · mL^- 1 , t1/2β was ( 1.79 ± 0.26) h. The accumulate elimination rates of peneielovir in urine was (73. 9 ± 15.6 ) % after 24 h, respectively. Conclusion The method is accurate, convenient, sensitive, specific, and was suitable for the study of clinical pharmaeokineties, and the parameters in human provided a useful index for clinical practices.
出处 《中国临床药理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期147-150,共4页 The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
关键词 注射用喷昔洛韦 高效液相色谱法 药代动力学 injeetive peneielovir HPLC pharmaeokineties
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