
纳滤膜流动电位的研究 被引量:4

Research on stream potential of nanofiltration membrane
摘要 自行研发荷电纳滤膜的荷电性能测试装置,以不同浓度、不同成分的盐溶液为荷电纳滤膜表面流动电位的测量介质,研究了不同浓度、不同成分溶液在不同的压力条件下对纳滤膜表面流动电位测量的影响.研究认为,研制所得的荷电性能测试装置可以用来测试荷电膜的流动电位.一般情况下,对荷电纳滤膜测量,采用浓度为0.001 mol/L的KC l溶液作为介质可得到稳定的测试结果. The electric charge capability of nanofiltration membranes is studied by using tester maded by myself. The solution of different component and different concentration as testing medium, the influence of various pressure, component or concentration of solution and operating conditions on measurement of hollow fibre and flat nanofiltration membranes' streaming potential is investigated. The result indicates that KCI should be used as medium, of which concentarion is 0. 001 mol/L.
出处 《天津工业大学学报》 CAS 2007年第2期14-17,共4页 Journal of Tiangong University
基金 中空纤维膜与膜过程教育部重点实验室开放基金资助项目(060526)
关键词 纳滤膜 流动电位 荷电性 测试装置 nanofihration membranes streaming potential characteristic of charge measuring device
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