Iain Chalmers一生致力于为患者选择真正有效的医疗卫生服务。凭借杰出的领导能力和创新思维,Iain创建了英国Cochrane中心和Cochrane协作网,在医疗卫生服务领域做出了杰出而不可替代的贡献,拥有英国Cochrane中心创始人兼首任主席、Cochrane协作网创始人、爵士爵位等诸多令人艳羡的头衔。功成名就的Iain Chalmers并未停止探索的步伐,他怀着强烈的责任感不断开拓全新的领域,为患者能得到最有效的卫生服务不懈奋斗!
Sir Iain Chalmers, the cofounder of the UK Cochrane Centre and The Cochrane Collaboration, a distinguished and talented leader, a meditative scholar, a responsive researcher, a zealous challenger, has fully devoted himself to the pursuit of better care for patients. His splendid achievements and reputations have never halted his endeavor. This biographic sketch is intended to shed light on the critical moments that have made Sir. Iain Chalmers such an extraordinary man.
Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine