
新时期国有企业劳动关系研究:一个劳动者视角的分析 被引量:4

A Study of Labor Relations of State Owned Enterprises under the New Situation:An Analysis From The Perspective of The Laborer Stratum
摘要 在国有企业劳动关系转型过程中,劳动者的地位、所拥有的资源以及自由流动的空间,与管理者相比较,存在较大反差。在劳动关系合作与冲突所必须凭借的权力与资源利用上,劳动者阶层处于弱势地位,其行动包含自尊与忍耐的双重矛盾。国有企业劳动关系格局中的劳动者阶层具有深刻的双重性。在貌似矛盾与具有浓厚意识形态色彩的“主人翁”与“劳动者”之间,存在许多理解误区。面对国有企业内部阶层分化与社会阶层定型化的客观现实,国有企业的劳动者个体有着自己独特的主观感受。国有企业改制中产权先行、劳权虚置的改革逻辑引发了劳动关系中的结构性问题。劳动者作为个体面对这些结构性问题时有心态异化之虞。欲实现国有企业劳动关系格局中产权与劳权的和谐共生,政府需要对国有企业产权运行做出创造性的制度安排。 The laborer stratum in the labor relation patterns of the state owned enterprises has dual and profound characters. They have two titles, which sound inconsistent and have a dense ideology color, one is the host of the enterprise, and another is the laborer of the enterprise. There are so many false comprehensions in the understanding of these dual characters. In accordance with the transition of the labor relation patterns of the state owned enterprises, evident gap can be found when comparing the laborer's status, governable resources and mobile spaces in the social stratum with the supervisor stratum. And in dealing with the issues of labor relation, whether it is cooperation or conflict, the laborer stratum has little power and resources to gain a better condition. Their feeble position in the labor relation's structure determines their action, which has a dual contradiction between pride and endurance. The laborer stratum has their own unique subject impressions when confronted with the stratum differentiation and the stratum stabilization occurring in the state owned enterprises. The reform logic that the reform of the property right of the state owned enterprises is more important than the reform of labor right, has aroused many labor relations problems in state owned enterprises. As an individual, a laborer has a feeling of alienation when faced these structure questions. To achieve the harmoniousintergrowth between property right and right in the labor relation' s structure of state owned enterprises, the governments of all levels should devise innovative institutional arrangements to make the property right of state owned enterprises.
作者 刘建洲
机构地区 上海行政学院
出处 《学术探索》 2007年第2期41-49,共9页 Academic Exploration
基金 上海社科基金资助课题"新时期国有企业劳动关系研究"(课题编号2002BSH005)的部分成果
关键词 国有企业 劳动关系 劳动者 产权 劳权 state owned enterprises labor relations the laborer stratum property right right to work
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