
腐蚀管道临界剩余壁厚的有限元分析 被引量:5

Finete element analysis of critical residual wall thickness of corroded pipeline
摘要 以含轴向腐蚀缺陷压力管道的最小允许壁厚为研究对象,应用大型通用有限元分析软件-ANSYS的OPT优化设计模块,建立有限元模型,进行非线性有限元分析。并以国外公开发表的实验模型为算例,得到与实验数据相近的结果,验证了有限元分析的准确性。 In order to calculate the critical residual wall thickness of corroded pipeline including longitudinal defect, The paper takes it as the research object, applies the optimization module of the general finite element software-ANSYS, set up finite element models, carry on nonlinear finite element analysis. By the validation of foreign experimental date, It can provide accurate prediction.
出处 《机械》 2007年第4期27-29,共3页 Machinery
关键词 腐蚀管道 轴向缺陷 临界壁厚 有限元分析 OPT corroded pipeline longitudinal defect critical wall thickness finite element analysis OPT
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