
越南华裔在美国的生存与适应 被引量:3

Survival and Accommodation:Ethnic Vietnamese Chinese in America
摘要 根据散落于相关研究文献和数据中有关越南华裔的资料,对1975年以后华裔逃离越南并定居美国的历史过程、生活适应、地位获得和族群认同等方面的大致状况作一个梳理,旨在加强越南华裔问题研究。结果表明,两次移民潮中,抵达美国的越南华裔难民约30-50万人,寻找亲人、取得族裔社区的支持和族裔聚居区的形成成为应对政府分散安置政策的方案;文化适应与经济成就落后于越南裔,但近20多年来取得了一些值得称道的成就;其族群认同建构于以共同的原居住地、居住国为背景和多元文化的基础之上。结论是,越南华裔还没有完全融入其他美国华裔之中,而是形成了一个既认同于美国华裔、又与越南裔有一定联系的相对独立的华人“次族群”。 Based on dispersed relevant literatures and statistical data, this paper elaborates the adaptation process of the ethnic Vietnamese Chinese who immigrated into America from 1975 to 2005. The study indicates that there were between 300 and 500 thousand Vietnamese Chinese immigrants, who arrived in America as refugees during the two waves of immigration. They responded to the American government' s dispersed allocation policies by turning to their relatives for family support, by securing the ethnic community's support, and by forming their own ethnic congested community. For ethnic Vietnamese Chinese, although their cultural acculturation and economic achievement were laid behind the Vietnamese Americans, yet they attained some admirable achievements in the last 20 years, and their ethnic identity was founded upon the contain place of origin, common migration environment of host country and multi-cultures. This paper concludes that these Vietnamese Chinese have not yet been completely assimilated into the American Chinese community and they themselves formed a relatively independent sub-minority group, who identify themselves with American Chinese, while in the meantime having something to do with Vietnamese Americans.
作者 梁茂春
出处 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 2007年第1期32-43,共12页 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
基金 暨南大学人文社会科学基金项目的阶段性成果
关键词 越南 华裔研究 越南华裔 流散族群 越南裔 族群认同 Vietnam ethnic Chinese studies ethnic Vietnamese Chinese ethnic diasporas Vietnam descendants ethnic identity
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  • 3U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 American Community Survey 1- Year Estimates, http ://factfinder.census.gov, 2009.
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  • 5U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000, http:// factfinder.census.gov, 2001.
  • 6Ronald Takaki ,From Exiles to Immigrants : The Refugees from Southeast Asia, New York : Chelsea House, 1995 ,pp.53.
  • 7Reginald P. Baker and David S. North, The 1975 Refugees : Their First Five Years in America, Washington D.C.: New TransCentury Foundation, 1984, pp.96.
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  • 10The Vietnamese American Council (Hoi Viet My)的相关数据资讯http://www.viet-nam.org.










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