
“嘉靖八才子”与明代正、嘉之际文坛的复古取向 被引量:4

“The Eight Talents in the Reign of Jiajing” and the Orientation of the Literary Circles' Going Back to the Ancients in the Period of Late Zhengde and Early Jiajing Reigns of the Ming Dynasty
摘要 由以李、何为代表的前七子掀扬的复古思潮,流延至正、嘉文坛激起了不同的回应,演变成或承续其绪、或悖逆其势的两极发展态势,“嘉靖八才子”成为体现此际文坛复古发展态势的一个缩影。他们在文学复古问题上作出的具体反应,涉及到对于前七子文学活动性质的不同理解以及对文学自身价值功能认知上所存在的差异性。“八才子”文学态度的歧异分化,从一个侧面反映了正、嘉之际文坛复古态势发展变化的某种复杂性和曲折性,显示了不同复古取向之间形成的对抗情势。这除了体现对相关问题的反思趋于深化之外,也表明它们彼此的分歧在朝内在深层的角度扩展。 The trend of the literary circles' going back to the ancients raised by the "Early seven talents in the Hongzhi and Zhengde Periods of the Ming Dynasty" evoked different repercussions in the literary circles from late Zhengde to early Jiajing Reigns and developed in the opposite directions between carrying forward their tradition and going against their convention. "The eight talents in the Reign of Jiajing" became the representation of this momentum of returning to the ancients. The particular reactions of the eight talents to literature's antientsorientedness involved a different understanding of the nature of the early seven talents' literary activities and the differences in the cognition of the values and functions of literature itself. The changed attitudes towards literature of the eight talents reflected some complexities and momentum of literature's going back to the ancients in the period of late Zhengde and early Jiajing Reigns and demonstrated the situation of the factional rivalry between different orientations of antiants-orientedness. This fact showed the extension of the two schools' conflicts in the imperial court besides the reflections' deeper-going development on the related literary iSSUeS.
作者 郑利华
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期90-100,共11页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题(2002BWY002)
关键词 “嘉靖八才子” 嘉文坛 复古取向 "The Eight Talents in the Reign of Jiajing" literary circles in the Period of late Zhengde and early Jiajing Reigns orientation of the literary circles' going back to the ancients
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