
意境全息说 被引量:2

On the Holographic Nature of Artistic Moods
摘要 艺术作品的意境具有全息性,它是以时空符码为核,以心理感受为晕圈组成的一元n维(n﹥4)多链混沌(chaos)状态。批评也应是全息的。全息批评建立在极性批评和去极性批评两种片面的基层之上。极性批评(polar criticism)是单一维度的无限伸展的批评,极性批评之间是互荣互补而不是排斥同化关系。理性批评建立在极性批评基础之上,是对极性化、个性化的极性批评进行去极化(depolarize),至少是两个极性的双向综合。全息批评的操作方法包括“白璧无瑕”、校雠重建和作品定位等。“白璧无瑕”即以挑剔的职业眼光矫正不足,擦掉白璧之瑕;校雠重建即依据本体、客体、主体以及各种历史条件对文本残片进行校雠、考证与具体化;作品定位(position)即批评要确立作家作品地位,就不仅要为作家的每一件作品定位,而且要为他的所有作品定位。 There is a holographic nature in the artistic moods of art works. The artistic moods refers to a first -order, n-dimensioned (n 〉 4 )and multi-chained state of chaos made with the temporal and space symbols as their kernel and human psychological feelings as their halo. Criticisms should also be holographic. Holographic criticisms are based on two such types of one-sided layers as polar criticisms and depolarized criticisms. The former refers to one-dimensioned and infinitely-extended criticisms and there is an intergrowth and complenentary rather than exclusive and assimilating relationship between these criticisms. Rational criticisms, based on polar criticisms, are at least a two-way integration of two poles formed by having the polarized and individualized polar criticisms depolarized. The operating methods of holographic criticisms include "There is no flaw in a piece of pure jade", reestablishment after collation and the positioning of an artistic work. "There is no flaw in a piece of pure jade" means correcting the shortcomings with a fastidious professional eye as if getting rid of the peek in a piece of white jade. Reestablishment after collation means having the incomplete ancient text collated, criticized textually and concretized in line with the text itself, the object, the subject and the various historical conditions. The positioning of an artistic work means that it is necessary to establish the position of a writer's work in its criticisms, which includes the positioning of not only one work of the writer, but also of all his works.
作者 向春
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期116-120,共5页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
关键词 意境 全息 极性批评 去极性批评 全息批评 artistic mood holograph polar criticism depolarized criticism holographic criticisms
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