protel技术是计算机在电子工程技术上的一项重要应用,是在电子线路CAD技术上发展起来的计算机设计软件系统,利用protel99SE,大量工作可以通过计算机完成,并可以将电子产品从电路设计、性能分析、器件制作到设计印制板的整个过程在计算机上自动处理完成;介绍了Protel99 SE在电路设计中的应用,指出了设计中出现的问题,并给出了具体的解决方法。
The technique of Protel is an important application of computer to electronic engineering, and is the computer design software system, which has been developed on the basis of CAD technique of electrocircuit, and a lot of work can be finished by computer by using Protel 99 SE, also, the whole process including electrocir- cult design, performance analysis, electronic device manufacture, and printed plate design can all be done on the computer automatically. This paper introduces the application of Protel 99 SE to electrocircuit design, and points out problems that exists during the design. At last some concrete solutions.
Journal of Huainan Vocational Technical College