
基于倒谱距离窗移最小失真分割的语种辨识 被引量:2

Language Identification Based on Minimum Distortion of Cepstrum Distance Segmentation
摘要 提出一种语种辨识的新方法.采用一种无需对语音文件进行标注的方法,提出基于倒谱距离窗移最小失真分割子词,在语种辨识前端用子词的自动分割方法把语音信号分割成许多子词.对得到的所有子词进行聚类并对每一类建立一个隐马尔可夫模型(HMM),最后利用得到的所有的子词模型对输入语音进行语种辨识.实验表明,该方法是一种简洁而且有效的语种辨识方法. We propose a novel approach to language identification. Generally speaking, an ideal language identification system needs a large number of speech transcriptions at the phoneme level for training the phone model, involving a huge amount of work and cost. In this project, we use a rough segmentation instead of transcription to produce sub-words, and a front-end sub-words recognizer for individual languages to be identified. This is followed by clustering the sub-words and creating an HMM for each cluster. Preliminary results on language identification are provided to demonstrate simplicity and effectiveness of this approach.
作者 缪炜 侯丽敏
出处 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期116-120,共5页 Journal of Shanghai University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 隐马尔可夫模型 语种辨识 子词分割 idden markov model (HMM) language identification sub-words segmentation
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