
汽车安全碰撞问题的数学模型 被引量:1

Mathematical Model for Auto-Crash Safety
摘要 运用非线性数值计算方法摸拟冲击碰撞时粘滞弹塑性材料的应力场分布.发现其结果与P-T/T(Maxwell)应力微分方程相同,其冲击加速度数值解与EEVC实验吻合.由此而得到弹塑性复合材料的冲击碰撞应力场合理数值结果,并运用后估计算法对冲击碰撞大变形应力场初始阶段进行了模拟,对汽车安全技术被动保护装置的气流触发控制数学模型的建立提供了可靠依据. This paper applys a non-linear numerical method to simulate the viscous-elastic plastic deformation and its stress distribution. The resolution agrees with the theoretical results from the P-TIT stress PDE (Maxwell) equation. The resulting accelerations are confirmed by the European EEVC experimental solutions. Therefore the complex material stress distribution in large deformation is obtained. A post-estimate solver is used for sensitive pre-stage deformation when impact occurs. The study is useful for mathematical passive safety in automotive protection devices and air-flow triggering control.
作者 侯磊 仇璘
出处 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期172-175,180,共5页 Journal of Shanghai University:Natural Science Edition
基金 上海市教委E-研究院建设计划资助项目(E03004) 上海市浦江人才计划资助项目(D类2006-2008)
关键词 弹塑性 冲击碰撞 数值摸拟 微分方程 自适应有限元 实验扰动参数 elastic-plastics impact numerical simulation differential equation adaptive FEA parameters modeling of perturbation
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