Methane is produced by methanogens that can utilize small molecule compound in environment, such as methanoic acid, acetic acid, hydrogen and CO2 etc al. as carbon resource. It has very high economic value in improving methane output in general pool. Methane is used as its only carbon source and energy by methanotrophs, therefore, it plays an important role in balancing atmospheric methane in the whole world. Methane in environment is oxidized by methanotrophs that reside in soil and water, when methane is produced anaerobically by methanogens, transpired into atmosphere from soil and water. Methane that is oxidized by methanotrophs, constitute nearly 10% of atmospheric methane consumption, and the bacteria are capable of degrading and halogenating hydrocarbon, with a great potential commercial value. The present paper outlines shapes, classifications, physiological characteristics, metabolism pathways, research techniques, and potential application values with the two kinds of bacteria.
Journal of Agro-Environment Science