

Experimental study of effect of decoy-ODNs on expression of IL-10 in pMф cells
摘要 目的本实验设计合成靶向核因子κB(NF-κB)的哑铃形圈套寡核苷酸(ODNs),并验证其对白介素10(IL-10)的作用。方法以阳离子脂质体为载体,将圈套ODNs转染大鼠pMф细胞6h后用LPS(10μg/m l)刺激,用ELISA法及RT-PCR法测圈套ODNs对IL-10在蛋白及mRNA水平的影响。结果哑铃形圈套ODNs可降低在IL-10mRNA及蛋白水平的表达。结论靶向NF-κB的哑铃形圈套ODNs具有抗IL-10的作用。 Objective: Decoy - ODNs in dumbbell shape with the nuclear sequence similar to NF - kB cis - elements were synthetized in this study. To measure the anti -inflammatory action of decoy -ODNs targeting NF - kB. Methods: With carriers of cationic liposomes, decoy ODNs were transfected into pMqb cells from rats. Then the inhibiting effects of the decoy - ODNs of IL - 10 were analysized. Results Decoy - ODNs could decrease the expression of IL - 10 . Conclusions : Decoy - ODNs targeting nuclear factor - kB can decress the expression of IL - 10 in pMФ ceils.
机构地区 山东泰安第
出处 《泰山医学院学报》 CAS 2006年第7期610-613,共4页 Journal of Taishan Medical College
基金 国家重点基金研究规划项目(G1999054203) 全军"十五"课题(2001-2003) 国家自然科学基金(30170367)
关键词 NF-KB 圈套ODNs IL-10 Decoy - ODNs Nuclear factor - kB IL - 10
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