无可否认,就像《纽约时报》所形容的一样,大卫·高克利(David Gockley)“影响了美国歌剧的命运”。他在事业上平步青云,也有赖于天时地利人和的因素。他出生于费城,早期修读声乐,后来在纽约的哥伦比亚大学拿到硕士学位(是商学院颁发的)。
There's no denying that David Gockley, the man the New York Times claims "shaped the destiny of opera in Ameri- ca", was the right man in the right place at the right time. Initially trained as a singer, the Philadelphia native got a graduate degree in business from Columbia University and soon became business manager of the Houston Grand Op- era in 1970; two years later, at age 27, he became the com- pany's general director. Equal parts artistic visionary and business trailblazer, Gockley perfectly fit Houston's model of self-styled maverick leaders, steadily infusing his elitist art form with a populist appeal perfectly fitting for a city already used to rallying around its athletic teams.