目的观察干扰素治疗慢性丙型肝炎对血液系统影响,为临床提供用药参考。方法用KX-21分别测量3 MU,5 MU干扰素治疗丙型肝炎前后白细胞、血红蛋白、血小板的数值。结果治疗前二组患者血液系统WBC、HGB、PLT水平无统计学差异;治疗后二组的WBC、PLT水平有不同程度的减少。结论5 MU与3 MU干扰素在治疗慢性丙型肝炎中均对血液系统产生不良反应,且随剂量的增多而不良反应增加,建议选用3 MU作为治疗的首选。
Objective To investigate the blood changes in chronic hepatitis C patients cured with IFNa- 2b. Metbeds According to the dosage of IFNa- 2b, 42 patients were assigned into two groups, one group was treated with 3MU, and another group with 5MU. SYSMEX KX- 21 was used to detect the patient's white blood cell, hemoglobin and platelet before and after taking the IFNa- 2b therapy. Result Before treating with IFNa - 2b, the levels of WBC, HGB and PLT in these two groups showed no statistical difference, while after the treatment, white blood cell and platelet stepped down differently in a dose - dependant manner. Conclusion The IFNa - 2b therapy shows adverse effects on blood system in a dose - dependant manner, and the 3MU regimen might be the first choice in the treatment.
Practical Preventive Medicine