
理性的困惑与抉择:构建宪法诉讼制度的法哲学反思 被引量:1

Rethinking about Constructing Constitutional Lawsuit System in Jurisprudence
摘要 由于倚重工具理性而忽视价值理性,现行法治理论的根本缺陷是公民作为法治主体的缺位,这是我国至今未能建立、启动宪法诉讼制度的一个重要原因。这种工具理性的急功近利有着深刻的缘由。欲走出工具理性的困境,我们需要重视价值理性中的人的主体性地位,做出富有历史性与社会现实性的理性考量与抉择,即根据现行宪法,采取宪法私权诉讼先行的方式,以推动宪法的实施,保障公民享有较充分的诉权,彰显公民的法治主体地位。 Present theory of the rule of law has the fatal defect that citizen is absent as subject of rule of law because scholars excessively stress instrumental ration and ignore value ration. This is an important reason why China has not established and implemented so far. Some deep factors have resulted in the haste of the instrumental ration. In order to break away from the rational dilemma we need emphasize citizen's subjectivity of value ration and do rational choice according to our history and practical society. The choice is to implement prior constitutional private lawsuit to protect right of action in China's constitution and to stress citizen's subjectivity in rule of law.
作者 任瑞兴
出处 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2007年第1期74-77,共4页 Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 宪法诉讼制度 理性 法治主体 constitutional lawsuit system ration subject of the rule of law
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