杭州湾北岸奉贤段滩涂资源丰富,解放以来已围垦升发113 km3。但由于水情、工况变化,日前已处于冲刷状态,可围垦利用资源已十分有限。经过详细调查研究,在收集大量数据基础上,该文对近年滩涂演变过程作仔细分析,得出的结论是:由于沿岸泥沙供应量减少、东部深水围垦造成流态变化等原因,奉贤段滩涂的冲刷情况将更趋严重,对海塘防汛能力、沿岸进一步开发利用都构成一定的威胁。必须采取相应的工程、非工程措施,以合理、有序地开发利用奉贤岸段宝贵的滩涂资源。
The foreshore resource of Fengxian Section at north bank of Hangzhou Bay is rich, and the tideland being enclosed and developed for cultivation has been 113 km2 since 1949. Owing to the water condition and working condition variation, it has been at the scouring status now. The uti-lizable resources of the tideland being enclosed for cultivation have been very limited. After the detail investigation and study and on the basis of collecting the numerous data, the article analyzes in detail the evolution process of the foreshore in the recent years, and gives the conclusion that owing to the reasons of silt supplying along the bank decreased and the fluid status variation because of the deep-water enclosing tideland for cultivation in the east part, the scouring condition of the foreshore in Fengxian Section is tending towards seriousness, which is threatening the flood control capability of the seawall and the further development utilization along the bank. The relative engineering and un-engineering measures must be taken reasonably to develop and utilize the valuable foreshore resource along the bank of Fengxian in order.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
foreshore, evolution analysis, the north bank of Hangzhou By, Fengxian Section