
代际影响在消费者社会化中的作用——以我国城市母女消费者为例 被引量:16

Intergenerational Influence's Effect on Consumer Socialization:An Empirical Test of Chinese Urban Consumers
摘要 消费者社会化是个体获得与消费活动有关的知识、技能和态度的过程,而家庭又是个体社会化最初和最重要的影响因素。20世纪70年代起,学者们从不同的角度对消费者社会化进行了研究,但从代际影响角度进行的研究并不多,而中国本土化研究则更少。本文在文献回顾的基础上,通过分析消费者社会化的三个表现方面及母女消费者在日用品消费中的偏好,揭示了代际影响在中国城市消费者社会化中发生作用的特点及其深层次的影响因素,并为管理者有效制定策略利用代际影响强化顾客忠诚度提供了理论依据。 Consumer socialization is the processes by which young people acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes relevant to their functioning in the marketplace. Household is the most early and important factor in individual socialization. Since 1970s, scholars have been doing research on it. However, just a few researches are based on intergenerational influence (IGI), and fewer are on China. With literature review, this dissertation analyzes the three components directly relevant to consumer socialization and identical brand preferences between mothers and daughters. It concludes with characters of IGI on Chinese consumer socialization and reveals factors in IGI. This dissertation also offers a new visual angle in developing customer loyalty for managers.
作者 郭朝阳 陈畅
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第8期40-48,共9页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"转型时期中国消费者社会化研究:模型及应用"(批准号:70672100)。
关键词 家庭 消费者社会化 代际影响 household consumer socialization intergenerational influence (IGI)
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