

Design of inverter detection system Pulse transformer in ARM
摘要 针对逆变器脉冲变压器仿真研究对电压信号的实时采样要求,介绍了一种基于ARM嵌入式处理器S3C44B0X的逆变器脉冲变压器测试系统软硬件的设计。实验结果表明,该测试系统采样精度达到10bit,采样率为500kHz,并实现了与PC的通信及在显示器上波形的还原,满足了脉冲变压器仿真的需要。 Being scheme, including requisition of computer simulate pulse transformer of inverter,A design Software-Hardware,of detection system for pulse transformer of inverter is presented in this article,which based on the ARM processor S3C44BOX.The experiment result show there are 10 bit collection precision and 500 kHz/s sampling rate in this system.In addition,the system communicates with PC and restores waves ,which demonstrate that the scheme is able to satisfy the need of the computer simulation of pulse transformer of inverter.
作者 邓集彦 刘伟
出处 《能源研究与利用》 2007年第2期34-36,共3页 Energy Research & Utilization
关键词 脉冲变压器 ARM 数据采集系统 pulse transformer ARM data collection system
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