
Metabolic Engineering of Carotenoid Formation in Carrot Roots

Metabolic Engineering of Carotenoid Formation in Carrot Roots
摘要 Carotenoids, a large class of yellow, orange and red pigments accumulate in the chloroplasts of leaves or in the chromoplasts of many flowers and fruits as well as carrot roots. In plants, carotenoids function as Carotenoids, a large class of yellow, orange and red pigments accumulate in the chloroplasts of leaves or in the chromoplasts of many flowers and fxuits as well as carrot roots. In plants, carotenoids function as accessory pigments in photosynthesis, eolourants in flowers, fxuits and roots, biosynthesis of abseisie acid (ABA), an important regulator of plant growth. In photosynthetic tissue, the dominant function of carotenoids is the quenching of the triple chlorophyll as a mechanism to protect the photosynthetic apparatus. Carotenoids exert protective functions due to their high antioxidative potential and also important components of the human diets. Since humans and animals are unable to synthesize earotenoids de novo, they must rely upon dietary earotenoids. Different earotenoids have different beneficial effects in human body. All earotenoids (e.g. alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-eryptoxanthin) that contain a beta-ring can be converted to retinol and are thus precursors for vitamin A in human and animal diets. Because of the epsilon ring, alpha-carotene has only half the provitarnin A activity compared to that of beta-carotene. Therefore, it is after lyeopene formation that carotenoid biosynthetic pathway diverges and produces either more or less provitarnin A activity carotenoid,
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2007年第2期285-286,共2页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 30370123, 39970069) a Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation a Foundation from Science and Technology Agency of Jilin Province (grant no. 20050543).
关键词 胡萝卜 类胡萝卜素 新陈代谢 植物根部 Daucus carota L., Carotenoid, Carotenogenic gene, Transformation, Provitamin A, Zeaxanthin
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