法式西餐中的肥鹅肝异常名贵,是世界上最珍贵的营养食品之一,被欧美人士尊为世界三大美味(鹅肥肝、松茸蘑、鲟鱼子)之首。欧美人士通常对动物的内脏退避三舍,却特别钟爱鹅肝.那种独特的滑腻香郁确实能触发味觉的快感和口腹的欲望。Foie Gras(鹅肝)的法文意思是指“油脂丰富的顶级肝脏”.是法国的传统名菜。不要小看这小小的美味鹅肝.它在餐饮界却历史悠久。
Foie Gras in the French food is un usual luxury dish and one of the most valuable foods in the world and entitled with crown among the world's three major delicious foods. Foie Gras in French means "top-grade liver with the rich fat and has traditionally been proud of its picturesque position in the French cuisine
China Food