Investigation of 10 patiente with an intake of tritiatedwater suggests that the body retention of tritium for a unit intake can beevaluated by a sum of two exponential functions: R^I(t) =0.987exp(-0.693t/10) + 0 .013exp(-0.693t/42). If it is assumed that the volumeof total body Water is 42 L and the concentration of ~3H in urine is thesame as that in body water, the intake conversion factor (the ~3H conce-ntration in urine resulting from unit intake) can be derived with theequation: c_U^I=0 .987exp (-0.693t/10)+0. 013exp (-0.693t/42)/42.At earlystage after an intake,the intake conversion factor estimated with aboveequation is in good agreement with that given by ICRP 54. Howevertheir difference is becoming obvious with increasing days after an intake.For instance,at 100 days after an intake,the former is 3.5 times greaterthan the latter, and 500 times at 200 days. Therefore, it is possible thatthe intake is estimated with the above two exponential functions if lack ofmonitoring information on ~3H concentration in urine at early stage afteran intake.
Radiation Protection