描述长发美绥螨(Ameroseius longitrichus Hirschmann,1963)雄螨与前若螨和印度新曲厉螨(Neocypholaelaps indica Ev-ans,1963)雄螨。
The male and protonymph of Ameroseius longitrichus Hirschmann and male of Neocypholaelaps indica Evans are described in the present paper.
1 Ameroseius longitrichus Hirschmann, 1963 ( Figs. 1, 2 )
Male: Body length 356 μm, width 253 μm. Dorsal shield with strong ornamentation on surface. Some dorsal setae long, others short, all setae pilose, M11 the longest, F1 broad. Sterno-genital shield with 5 pairs of setae. Ventro-anal shield square, with 3 pairs of preanal setae and 3 perianal setae. Ventral cuticle setae 2 pairs. Peritreme reaching to anterior end of idiosoma. Tectum triangular. Spermatodactyl of chela dagger-shaped.
Protonymph: Body length 287 μm, width 218 μm. Dorsal setae very long or short, pilose. Venter with 3 pairs of sternal setae, about 5 pairs of ventral setae and 3 perianal setae. Peritreme short. Fixed digit of chela bidentate. Material examined: 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ and 1 protonymph, ex hole of tree, from Baiyun Mountain (34°00′N, 111° 08′E) , Henan Province, China, 2001 -07 -23. Collected by LIN Jian-zhen.
2 Neocypholaelaps indica Evans, 1963 ( Fig. 3 )
Male: Body length 462 -538 (av. 512) μm, width 333 -376 (av. 355) μm. Dorsal setae very short and simple, but F1 stout, pilose, another pair of very long setae at central section of dorsal hield. Sterno-genital shield bearing 5 pairs of setae, Ventro-anal shield transversely oval, with 3 perianal setae. Peritreme reaching to base of F1 anteriorly. Chela shorter, spermatodactyl narrow. Material examined: 3 ♀♀ and 6 ♂♂ , ex blossom of loquat, from Fuzhou City (26°04′N, 119°19′E) ,Fujian Province, China, 2000 -12. Collected by LIN Jian-zhen.
Entomological Journal of East China