4Gillian Triggs, Extraterritorial Reach of United States Anti-Trust Legislation : the International Law Implications of the Westinghouse Allegations of A Uranium ProducersCartel, 12 Melbourne University Law Review, p252, 1979-1980.
5Harvard. Research in international Law, Commentary to the Draft Convention on Jurisdiction with Respect to Crime" (1935) 29 American Jurnal of International Law (Supplement) 435, 543.
6Beal J. H. , The Jurisdiction of a Sovereign State ( 1923 ) 36 Harvard Law Review 241.
7S.S. Lotus (1927) P.C.I.J. Reports, Series A, No. 9, 18.
8Protection of Trading Interests Act, 1980, Public General Acts, 1980 (U. K. ).
9Evidence Amendment Act, 1980 N.Z. Star. 34.
10Protection of Business Act, 1978, No. 99, amended by Act of 1979, No. 114 (S. Air. )