
运动影响摄食行为的中枢细胞因子机制 被引量:1

Device of Central Cell Factors on Which Sports Influence the Behaviour of Ingestion
摘要 从细胞因子对摄食行为的中枢调节、急性运动后相关细胞因子的变化、细胞因子对运动的反应与适应对摄食行为的中枢调节机制三个方面,就运动对摄食行为中枢调节的影响作用及其机制试作阐述。 This paper has made a tentative explanation on sports of its impact and device of central adjustment of behaviour of ingestion, concerning three aspects: one is the central adjustment of cell factors on the behaviour of ingestion, the other is the change of related cell factors after the acute sport, and another is the response of cell factors to sports and the adaptation of the central adjustment device to the behaviour of ingestion.
作者 谈晓矛
机构地区 济宁师专体育系
出处 《济宁师范专科学校学报》 2006年第6期42-42,49,共2页 Journal of Jining Teachers College
关键词 急性运动 细胞因子 摄食行为 acute sport cell factor behaviour of ingestion
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