
论从人权保障角度反腐败 被引量:8

Anti-corruption: Its Value in Human Rights Protection
摘要 反腐败不仅具有政治学、经济学上的意义,更具有人权保障的价值,原因主要在于:第一,腐败犯罪妨害和剥夺了公民的生存发展权;第二,对腐败犯罪的追诉需要切实保障腐败犯罪嫌疑人和被告人的合法权益,保障举报人、证人、鉴定人的人权;第三,我们不仅需要预防和惩治腐败犯罪,更需要对腐败犯罪的受害者进行权利救济。 Anti-corruption is meaningful not only politically and economically, but also in safeguarding human rights. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, corruption crimes hamper and deprive the rights of living and development; secondly, the prosecution of corruption crimes should protect the legal rights and interests of criminal suspects and defendants, and the human rights of informers, witnesses and experts; thirdly, we should not only prevent and punish corruption crimes, but also relieve victims of corruption crimes.
作者 王文华
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期70-77,共8页 The Jurist
关键词 反腐败 人权保障 权利救济 anti-corruption safeguarding human rights relief
  • 相关文献


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