
禽流感特异性转移因子的制备及其免疫作用 被引量:7

Preparation and determination of immunopotentiation activities of specific transfer factor of avian influenza virus H5N1 subtype
摘要 目的制备禽流感病毒特异性转移因子并探讨其对禽流感灭活疫苗的免疫增效作用。方法用禽流感病毒H5N1血清亚型灭活疫苗免疫鸡,用国标血凝抑制方法检测病毒特异性血凝抑制抗体效价。当抗体效价达到高峰时,翅静脉采取外周血,分离淋巴细胞并制备细胞单层、传代后获得禽流感病毒H5N1血清亚型特异性转移因子。用所获得的特异性转移因子进行疫苗免疫增效试验。结果采用本法可获得禽流感病毒特异性转移因子。免疫增效试验表明,在进行禽流感病毒灭活疫苗免疫的同时使用禽流感病毒特异性转移因子,可在一定幅度内提高禽流感病毒抗体水平并能延长抗体维持时间。不同给药途径比较试验表明,口服途径给药的疫苗增效作用优于注射途径给药。结论通过淋巴细胞体外培养可以制备禽流感病毒特异性转移因子。禽流感病毒H5N1血清亚型特异性转移因子对禽流感病毒灭活疫苗具有明显的增效作用,且口服途径给药的疫苗免疫增效作用优于注射途径给药。 Objective Preparation of specific transfer factor(TF) of avian influenza virus(AIV) and approach of immunopotentiation action to avian influenza vaccinum inactivatum. Methods Inoculating chicken with inactivated vaccine of avian influenza virus H5N1 serum subtype, then to detect the titer of virus specificity hemagglutination inhibition antibody. Taking blood from the wing vein before the antibody titer began to drop, then to separate the lympholeukocyte for preparing monolayer cell. AVE H5N1 subtype TF specific TF was obtained from the cell culture. Then its offect to improve the immune efficiency of inactivated vaccine of AIV way determined. Results This method could obtain AIV specific transfer factor. Immunopotentiation test shows that AIV speafic TF could elevate antibody level of avian influenza virus and extend antibody persistent time by administration it and avian influenza inactivated vaccine at the same time. And the results show that oral administration was better than injection. Conclusion Lympholeukocyte culture in vitro can prepare avian influenza virus specific TF. Specific transfer factor of subtype H5N1 avian influenza virus which has significant synergistic effect to avian viral inactivation vaccine and the effect is better by mouth than by injection.
出处 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2007年第1期40-42,共3页 Chinese Journal of Microecology
基金 辽宁省校合作基金项目
关键词 淋巴细胞 禽流感 H5N1 特异性转移因子 免疫增效 Lymphocyte Avian influenza H5N1 Specificity transfer factor Immunopntentiation
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