In spite of the fact that in his twilight years Confucius"was fond of the Yi and had read it so often that the thongs threading through the bamboo slips together broke three times", neither did he regard the Yi jing as a pure divination book as the commoners did, nor did he revise the Yi jing as he revised The Odes, The Documents, The Rituals, and The Music, expecting to explore out, from the Yi jing, the resources for social edification and an efficacious recipe to eradicate the social defects. Confucius~ purpose of studying the Yi jing was to make his personal life be in consistent to the"mandate of heaven" so as to enhance the quality of his life. We may say that, his reading of the Yi only embodies his personal religious concern and represents his religious emotion to the Yi jing. On the Contrary, his revision of The Odes, The Documents, The Rituals, and The Music embodies his academic concern while he was facing the society and public, and represents his academic aspiration from these Classics. In other words, the relationship between Confucius and the Yi jing is that of religion, whereas the relationship between Confucius and other Classics mentioned above is that of academy. They are two much different approaches.
Studies of Zhouyi
Yi jing
the thongs broke three times
religious concern