
Methods and Efficacy of Acupuncture for Regulating Body Weight in Different Populations

Methods and Efficacy of Acupuncture for Regulating Body Weight in Different Populations
摘要 目的将为控制身体重量和他们的目标调查针灸和艾灸的合适的方法。274 个门诊病人被分配到 3 个观察组的方法:肥胖,过重和正常,把标准重量用作一个索引。肥胖组被划分,在 1:1:3 的比率,进 3 个组:基于症候群区别的固定药方,本地治疗和治疗。症候群在症候群区别组被分类进五种类型。加耳灰浆的治疗的针灸和艾灸的不同协议为处理被起草。身体集体索引(BMI ) ,身体脂肪(F%) ,身体圆周和下的脂肪在治疗前后在病人被评估。在那里的结果是在在不同人口之中的身体重量上的针灸的控制效果的差别。药品效果比在正常的组在肥胖和超重的组更好;有效的率分别地是 72.2% , 72.5% 和 44.0% 。也在在有症候群的不同类型的肥胖病人之中的药品效果有差别。保留上的药品效果在胃,肝 qi 的停滞和由于脾的机能减退的潮湿保留潮湿热由于 yin 比 splenonephric yang 和内部热的缺乏上的那些相等却所有好缺乏。也在在不同协议之中的药品效果有差别。在基于区别的治疗和固定药方组织的症候群的药品效果是平等者(77.8%) ,但是比那好的所有在本地治疗组织(53.3%) 。结论针灸和艾灸是对待肥胖和过重的一个有效方法。治疗根据症候群区别基于症候群区别和固定药方是有效方法。鐩殑鐮旂┒?堢伕鎺у埗浣撻噸鐨勯€傚疁鏂规硶?' 屽璞?鏂规硶闂ㄨ瘖鎮h€? 74 渚?浠ユ爣鍑嗕綋閲嶄负鎸囨爣鍒嗕负鑲ヨ儢銆佽秴閲嶃€佹甯?涓瀵熺粍,鑲ヨ儢缁勪互闂ㄨ瘖鏃跺簭鍙婁腑鍖昏鲸璇佹寜 1:1:3 鍒嗗崗瀹氭柟銆佸眬閮ㄦ不鐤椼€佽鲸璇佹不鐤?缁?杈ㄨ瘉缁勫垎涓?涓瘉鍨?閲囩敤?堢伕缁撳悎鑰冲帇鐨勪笉鍚屾不鐤楁柟妗堣繘琛屾不鐤?瑙傚療鎮h€呮不鐤楀墠鍚庝綋閲嶆寚鏁般€佷綋鑴傘€佷綋鍥淬€佺毊鑴傜殑鍙樺寲鎯呭喌缁撴灉?堢伕瀵逛笉鍚屼汉缇ょ殑浣撻噸鎺у埗鏁堟灉瀛樺湪宸紓, 鑲ヨ儢?岃秴閲嶇粍鐨勬不鐤楁晥鏋滀紭浜庢甯哥粍, 鏈夋晥鐜囧垎鍒负:72.2% , 72.5% , 44.0%. 鑲ヨ儢涓嶅悓璇佸瀷鐨勬不鐤楁晥鏋滀害鏈夊樊寮?鑳冪儹婀块樆鍨嬨€佽倽閮佹皵婊炲瀷?' 岃劸铏氭箍鍨嬬枟鏁堢浉褰?鍧囬珮浜庤劸鑲鹃槼铏氬瀷?岄槾铏氬唴鐑瀷。涓嶅悓娌荤枟鏂规鐨勭枟鏁堜害瀛樺湪宸紓:杈ㄨ瘉娌荤枟缁勪笌鍗忓畾鏂规不鐤楃粍鐨勭枟鏁堢浉褰 ?77.8%) ,鍧囦紭浜庡眬閮ㄦ不鐤楃粍(53.3%) 。缁撹?堢伕鏄竴绉嶅鑲ヨ儢鍜岃秴閲嶆湁鏁堢殑娌荤枟鏂规硶, 杈ㄨ瘉娌荤枟?屽湪杈ㄨ瘉鍩虹涓婄殑鍗忓畾鏂规不鐤楁槸杈冧负鏈夋晥鐨勬不鐤楁柟娉?关键词针灸艾灸 - 肥胖 - 耳的点粘住鍏抽敭璇??堢伕 - 鑲ヨ儢鐥 ?- 鑰崇┐璐村帇 CLC 数字 R246.6 基础条款:在 2005 的南京城市(200504023-3 ) 的科技的发展中的工程,江苏的科技办公室的社会发展中条款省(BS2004032 ) 作者:徐斌,在 1965 出生,男性,博士,从事研究对待 endocrinopathy 的针灸的机制,发电子邮件:xuuuux@sina. Objective: To investigate the proper methods of acupuncture and moxibustion for controlling body weight and their objects. Methods: 274 outpatients were allocated to 3 observation groups: obesity, overweight and normal, using standard weight as an index. The obesity group was divided, at a ratio of 1: 1 : 3, into 3 groups: fixed prescription, local treatment and treatment based on syndrome differentiation. The syndromes were classified into five types in the syndrome differentiation group. Different protocols of acupuncture and moxibustion plus auricular-plaster therapy were drawn up for treatment. Body mass index (BMI), body fat (F%), body circumferences and subcutaneous fat were evaluated in the patients before and after treatments. Results: There was a difference in the controlling effect of acupuncture on body weight among different populations. The curative effect was better in the obesity and overweight groups than in the normal group; the effective rate was 72.2%, 72.5% and 44.0%, respectively. There was also a difference in curative effect among obesity patients with different types of syndromes. The curative effects on retention of damp-heat in the stomach, stagnation of liver qi and dampness retention due to splenic hypofunction were equal but all better than those on deficiency of splenonephric yang and internal heat due to yin deficiency. There was also a difference in curative effect among different protocols. The curative effects in the syndrome differentiation-based treatment and fixed prescription groups were equal (77.8%) but all better than that in the local treatment group (53.3%). Conclusion: Acupuncture and moxibustion is an effective way to treat obesity and overweight. Treatment based on syndrome differentiation and fixed prescription on the basis of syndrome differentiation are effective methods.
出处 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2007年第2期97-102,共6页 针灸推拿医学(英文版)
关键词 肥胖症 针灸疗法 体重调节 耳穴贴压 Acupuncmre-Moxibustion Obesity Auricular Point Sticking
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