This paper first introduces the history and current challenges concerning the studies of the meaning of proper names. It then proposes and defends a social and pragmatic theory. The contends that this theory can solve all six difficulties posed by the modal argument, the epistemic argument, the semantic argument as criticisms of the traditional descriptive theories, and Frege’s puzzle, belief puzzles, empty name puzzles as objections to the direct reference theory. Finally the emphasizes that this theory represents a life holistic viewpoint, according to which the meaning of proper names is determined by social, historical, environmental, and pragmatic factors and considerations in our life as a whole.
This paper first introduces the history and current challenges concerning the studies of the meaning of proper names. It then proposes and defends a social and pragmatic theory. The contends that this theory can solve all six difficulties posed by the modal argument, the epistemic argument, the semantic argument as criticisms of the traditional descriptive theories, and Frege’s puzzle, belief puzzles, empty name puzzles as objections to the direct reference theory. Finally the emphasizes that this theory represents a life holistic viewpoint, according to which the meaning of proper names is determined by social, historical, environmental, and pragmatic factors and considerations in our life as a whole.
Philosophical Research