'本文介绍了持久、蠕变实验自动温度测量系统的基本结构组成和工作原理,并对利用Visual C#编写E型热电偶温度转换程序,及对程序的设计过程、实验内容和程序测试结果进行了详细的分析。同时对在程序编写过程中所遇到问题的解决进行了详尽的阐述。分析认为E热电偶在中、低温的情况下,其测量精度要高于K型和S型热电偶。故在持久、蠕变试验自动温度测量软件中增加了对E型热电偶温度转换的功能,经过对软件的测试,达到了满意的使用效果,并使原程序功能得到了完善。
Structure of automatic temperature testing system and system work theory in the stress rupture and creep experiment is described in the paper. The software of temperature transform of E type thermocouple is developed in Visual C# language, and the software development process, test content and result of program testing is analyzed. Meanwhile, the problems that meet in developing the software are fully explained. The testing accuracy of E type thermocouple is more advantage than K type and S type thermocouple by analyzing in middle and low temperature. Therefore, the function of automatic temperature testing software in the stress rupture and creep experiment is added, and satisfied via the system testing. The formally software function is more perfectly.
Electronic Measurement Technology