High sensitive linear CCD sensor is often used in precise instruments, such as spectrum. It's necessary to design high-qualified opto-electronic signal detection to make full use of high sensitive CCD. To exert the use of high sensitive CCD and improve the performance of instruments and the quality of pulsatile signal of spectrum, the paper based on linear CCD of buried channel IL-C6-2048C, the output of which is subtractive polarity and discrete analog signal, and intermixes the high amplitude of reset-pulse, designs the circuit to pre-treat properly to the output's signal. As for the problem about the signal pretreated containing the noises of 1/f and low frequency, correlated double sampler (CDS) is used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the measuring system of dynamic spectrum. Moreover,fast throughput ADC is designed to sample the CCD signals for distilling the features of the signals and further disposing the signals. The whole circuit system designed in this paper can improve the quality and precision of the CCD signals.
Electronic Measurement Technology