There are altogether eight aspects expounded in this article: the status quo of urban development in Chi-na;attention worthy problerus concerning ur-ban construction in the middle and the western areas; urban planning with ahead- of- time consider-ation; local characteristics in planning; urbanization of famous historic and culturalclties; binding force of urban planning; urban construction funds and well- to- do housing project.Hou thinks:1. Cities are the main bases of China’s modern-ization and the process of China,s urbaniza-tion has been greatly speeded up. Over50% of the gross national product, over70% of the gross value of industrial outputand over 90% of higher education and sci-entific and technical forces are concentratedin cities. By the end of 1995, the total number of cities and towns with adrninistrativestatus was 640 and 16992 respectlvely. Theleve of urbanization reached 28. 85%.2. The policy of China,s urbanization is "tostrictly control the size of large cities and torationally develop medium-slzed and smallsized cities." Among the existing 640cities, metropollses, large, medium sized,and srnall sized cities are 32, 43, 192 and373 respectively.3. Planning should be considered ahead of timeand cities should have their own characteristics. The so-called "Ahead of time" meansthat we should base ourselves upon the pre-sent situation and have confidence in the fu-ture. Scientific and rational forecast andanalysis should be worked out regarding thedevelopment trend and requirements of ur-ban economy and society during a certainperiod and should be ernbodied in lpanning.Guidance and service should be well provid-ed ahead of time. As for urban characteris-tics, two aspects should be considered andanalyzed, they are:1. Characteristics of natural environment in-cluding climate, topography , vegetation,geology, hydrologu, etc.2. Characteristics of humane environment,that is mainly, locat history, culturalstyle, religious customs, national charac-teristics, economic level, etc.Different urban characteristics and featureswill surely be foumed if urban layout andconstuuction in the above-mentioned twoaspects are fully considered and utilized.
There are altogether eight aspects expounded in this article: the status quo of urban development in Chi-na;attention worthy problerus concerning ur-ban construction in the middle and the western areas; urban planning with ahead- of- time consider-ation; local characteristics in planning; urbanization of famous historic and culturalclties; binding force of urban planning; urban construction funds and well- to- do housing project.Hou thinks:1. Cities are the main bases of China's modern-ization and the process of China,s urbaniza-tion has been greatly speeded up. Over50% of the gross national product, over70% of the gross value of industrial outputand over 90% of higher education and sci-entific and technical forces are concentratedin cities. By the end of 1995, the total number of cities and towns with adrninistrativestatus was 640 and 16992 respectlvely. Theleve of urbanization reached 28. 85%.2. The policy of China,s urbanization is 'tostrictly control the size of large cities and torationally develop medium-slzed and smallsized cities.' Among the existing 640cities, metropollses, large, medium sized,and srnall sized cities are 32, 43, 192 and373 respectively.3. Planning should be considered ahead of timeand cities should have their own characteristics. The so-called 'Ahead of time' meansthat we should base ourselves upon the pre-sent situation and have confidence in the fu-ture. Scientific and rational forecast andanalysis should be worked out regarding thedevelopment trend and requirements of ur-ban economy and society during a certainperiod and should be ernbodied in lpanning.Guidance and service should be well provid-ed ahead of time. As for urban characteris-tics, two aspects should be considered andanalyzed, they are:1. Characteristics of natural environment in-cluding climate, topography , vegetation,geology, hydrologu, etc.2. Characteristics of humane environment,that is mainly, locat history, culturalstyle, religious customs, national charac-teristics, economic level, etc.Different urban characteristics and featureswill surely be foumed if urban layout andconstuuction in the above-mentioned twoaspects are fully considered and utilized.
Architectural Journal