
中东政治民主化的内在机制与外部压力 被引量:1

Internal Structure and External Pressure of the Political Democratization in the Middle East
摘要 中东政治民主化的动力源于中东社会的内在机制与外部压力。内在机制发育主要与国家的政治传统、经济发展和社会结构的变迁相适应;而外部压力则主要扮演民主的“塑造者”和“推动者”的角色。在实现中东政治民主化的过程中,外部压力只有内化为社会内部的动力,才能推动内部民主机制的启动和运转,使民主观念植根、发育并健康成长。 The motive force of the political democratization originates in the internal structure and external pressure in the Middle East countries. The growth of internal structure meets the changes of national political tradition, economic development and social structure. The role of the external pressure is to be the creator and promoter of democracy. In the course of democratization in the Middle East countries, the external pressure should combine the internal force, so that can promote the growth and development of democracy, therefore the consciousness of democracy will become more healthy and prospective.
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期17-22,共6页 West Asia and Africa
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