
不可压缩Stokes流动的PSPG无网格法 被引量:4

A meshless PSPG formulation for the incompressible Stokes flow
摘要 将应用于有限元法的Pressure-Stabilizing/Petrov-Galerkin(PSPG)稳定化机制引入到无网格法中,有效消除了由于速度和压力的插值模式违反LBB条件而导致的压力场的虚假振荡。采用与有限元法耦合的连续掺混法(Continuous Blending Method)施加本质边界条件,使得边界条件不仅在边界节点上而且在整条边界上都得到严格满足。给出了两个典型算例的数值模拟结果,表明了所建议无网格法模拟不可压缩Stokes流动的有效性。 In this paper a meshless method for numerical simulation of incompressible Stokes flow is presented. To circumvent the restriction and eliminate spurious oscillations of pressure distributions in space, the Pressure-Stabilizing/Petrov-Galerkin (PSPG) method is introduced to allow for the use of the same interpolation approximation functions for velocity and pressure variables commonly used in the meshless method. The continuous blending method is adopted to enforce the essential boundary condition in a correct manner. This method makes the essential boundary condition satisfied not only at the boundary nodes but also at the whole essential boundary. Numerical results for two typical problems are illustrated to demonstrate the capability and the performance of the proposed PSPG meshless method in the simulation of incompressible stokes flow.
出处 《计算力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期192-196,214,共6页 Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金(1027202710590354)资助项目
关键词 无网格法 PSPG离散格式 不可压缩Stokes流动LBB条件 连续掺混法 meshless PSPG discretization incompressible Stokes flow LBB condition continuous blending
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