美国当代作家罗伯特.詹姆斯.沃勒(Robert James Waller)的小说《廊桥遗梦》(TheBridges of Madison County)一经问世就风靡全球,且经久不衰,鲜明的文体特征是其成功不可缺少的要素之一。独特的叙事方法及叙事手段、巧妙的语言运用等都十分耐人寻味。仔细分析该部作品的文体特色,有利于我们更深入地领会其艺术价值。
The contemporary American writer Robert Waller's THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY has been popular among the world since it was published. Stylistic feature is one of the essential factors for its success. This study tries to analyze this novel from stylistic point of view and helps us to have a better understanding of its unique value.
Journal of Kaifeng University