

Land-use/Cover and Analysis from 1992 to 2005 in Yantai Area
摘要 以TM影像为基本信息源,结合土地利用现状图和土地详查数据,分析了烟台地区1992~2005年的土地利用变化趋势及格局。结果表明:1992~1995年烟台地区居民工矿建设及交通用地面积大幅度增加,耕地和水域面积则呈减少趋势;土地资源开发利用程度较高,未开发土地利用难度较大,耕地后备资源贫乏。 With the maturity of the GIS and the RS technology and the rapid development of computer technology , GIS and RS have got broad application in LUCC. On this basis, this article made use of the TM images combined with the land use present condition image, analyzed the concrete land use changes of Yantai area in last thirteen years, elicited the change tendency of the cultivated land, the construction and traffic land, the woodland and the river during the period of 1992-2005 in YanTai area Furthermore analyzed the land use structure and its driving forces of the LUCC. The result studying has shown that: In the course of the urbanization, there is no indication of the cultivated land decreased slowly down in Yantai area. The measure to enhance cultivated land protection was need urgently.
出处 《河北农业科学》 2007年第1期105-107,共3页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences
关键词 GIS RS 烟台 土地利用 趋势 GIS RS Yantai area Utilization of land Trend
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