
组织单元间的差异性对信息系统应用绩效影响 被引量:7

Study on impact of differentiation on subunit-level performance after information system implementation
摘要 以组织信息处理理论(OIPT)为理论基础,从组织单元层面出发,提出中间利益的概念,建立了理论模型,研究组织单元间的差异性是如何通过中间利益对信息系统应用绩效产生影响,这种研究把前人从组织整体上研究信息系统应用绩效深入到组织单元层面.论文通过对22家应用信息系统的制造企业进行问卷调查,使用结构方程模型分析方法,通过实证分析,揭示了企业应用信息系统的绩效有所不同的原因,为企业提高信息化应用绩效奠定理论基础. This study is based on organizational information processing theory(OIPY). Differed from the former research that focused on the organizational level, this research goes deep into subunit level. It introduces the intermediate benefits, and brings forward a theoretical model on the perspective of subunits in order to discover how differentiation among subunits affects overall information system benefits. It collects data from 22 manufacturing enterprises in China in the form of questionnaires, and analyzes them with the methods of structural equation models. The results tell us why the information system benefits are different in various enterprises, and provide a theoretical basis to improve organizational performance through maximizing the function of information system.
出处 《管理科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期26-38,共13页 Journal of Management Sciences in China
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金重点资助项目(ZJG04-06)
关键词 组织单元 差异性 信息系统 绩效 subunits differentiation information system performance
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