
消极完美主义问卷的编制 被引量:54

Developing the Negative Perfectionism Questionnaire
摘要 目的编制一份测量完美主义者的消极认知、情绪、行为等心理特征的问卷。方法在理论分析和访谈的基础上,收集描述完美主义者的消极心理特征的项目,并结合佛罗斯特多维完美主义心理量表的部分项目,组成初步问卷;通过对大学生人群的施测和对数据进行因素分析,得到反映完美主义消极特征的心理问卷,并对该问卷的信度、效度进行检验。结果消极完美主义问卷由5个维度构成,各维度的内部一致性系数(Cronbach'sα)为0.75~0.82,重测信度为0.61~0.81,5个因子的累积贡献率为49.9%。结论本研究所编制的消极完美主义问卷具有较好的心理测量学特性,有临床实用价值。 Objective To develop a questionnaire which is able to reflect the negative cognitions, emotions, behaviors, and other psychological featt, res among perfectionists. Methods Combining .some items in the Frost's Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, the present study collected items describing the negative psychological features of perfectionists. By examining these items with college students and adapting factor analysis, a negative perfectionism questionnaire was compiled and its psychometric indexes were examined. Results The negative perfectionism questionnaire consists of five dimensions, with the Cronbach's α between 0.75 and 0. 82, the test-retest reliability of 0. 61~0.81, and the cumulative explanation of the variance 49.9%. Conclusion The negative perfectionism questionnaire has satisfactory psychometric characteristics. It is suitable for practical usage.
作者 訾非
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2007年第4期340-344,共5页 China Journal of Health Psychology
关键词 心理测评 完美主义 消极完美主义问卷 信度 效度 Psychometries Perfectionism Zi Negative Perfectionism Questionnaire (ZNPQ) Reliability Validity
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