龙园红1号是黑龙汪省农业科学院园艺分院育成的大白菜杂种一代新品种,2006年通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定。该品种叶球切开后,心叶金黄色,见光后转为枯红色,胡萝卜素和维生素C的含量明显高于普通的白色品种,颜色鲜艳,味道鲜美。通过2005、2006两年的推广试种,龙园红1号大白菜的产值约为普通大白菜的6~10倍,较普通大白菜增收5 000~7 000元/667m^2,经济效益明显。在今后的蔬菜新品种推广中,应以品种的品质和花样来赢得市场,要想获得高效益,还应该在产品的销售方式上有所创新.
Longyuanhong No. 1 Chinese cabbage, the first generation of Chinese cabbage hybrid cuhivar was bred by Horticultural sub-academy of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It has been approved by Heilongjiang Agricultural Cultivar Registration Committee in 2006. After cutting the core of this kind of cabbage, it was seen that the inner leaves were golden and would turn orange after shone by light. Its containing of Vitamin C and carotene were obviously higher than thoes of common white kind. Its color was vivid and taste was good. After the promoted trial growth in the year of 2005 and 2006, it turned out that the yield was about 6 to 10 times higher than that of common ones; that is to say, more than 5 000 to 7 000 yuan per 667m^2 could be acquired. The profit was noticeable. When we released new vegetable cultivars in the future, quality and variety were needed to win the market and the way of selling products was also required to get high profit.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences
Longyuanhong No. 1 Chinese cabbage
high nutrition
promotion profit