630 t立式水压机能源消耗高,经过20多年的运行后,设备的各项技术指标均不能满足生产高精度管材产品的要求。在充分利用原设备的基础上,将630 t水压机改造为油压机后,产品性能稳定,每年可节电35万kW.h,提高生产效率30%,每年还可节约维修费12万元。
After more than 20-year operation, the 630 t vertical water press that consumes much energy cannot meet the demand of specifications for manufacture of high precise pipes material. Based on full usage of original equipment, 630 t vertical water press has been improved into a hydraulic (oil) press, resulting in steady production, 350 000 kW. h of power saved and 30 % productivity increased as well as 120 000 RMB of maintenance rate decreased.
Energy Saving of Nonferrous Metallurgy