
欧美社区银行发展对中国城市商业银行改革的启示 被引量:3

Development of community banks in European-American countries and its experiences suitable for reform of urban commercial banks in China
摘要 通过对欧美中小银行,特别是美国社区银行在银行体系中的作用、绩效、特色和发展趋势的论述,总结欧美中小银行发展过程中的经验与教训,并结合当前中国城市商业银行的改革现状,探讨中国城市商业银行应从欧美社区银行发展中得到的主要启示。 The paper attempts to analyze the functions, features, performances and the development trend of community banks in America and European countries, especially the functions of community banks in the United States. It firstly summarizes the successful experiences of community banks in America and European countries, and then discusses the feasible measures we should take by learning from them according to the current problems facing Chinese urban commercial banks.
作者 丁宁 丁溧
出处 《大连海事大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期97-100,共4页 Journal of Dalian Maritime University(Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省教育厅课题(202291258)
关键词 欧美国家 社区银行 城市商业银行 金融改革 European-American country community bank urban commercial bank finance reform
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