Carnival is part of the European holydays and recorded in the Bible. Religious significance of the carnival' s root can he seen from the religious activities of the Middle Ages and ancient Greece. Bakhtin's world view is provided with religion, and the theory of revel which the carnival gave birth to came from ritual, such as Bacchus Dionysus' cult ceremony. In the process of the germination, appearance, development and maturation, the theory of revel was fettered by the religion environment of the Middle Ages and had strong religious characteristic. The source, method of narration, content and spirit desire of the theory of revel all can ilnd their expression in religious ceremony. So from beginning to end, carnival is not only a purely entertaining activity, but part of city -state political life and religious life. The theory of revel is also the ramification of religious philosophy of the Old Greece and the Middle Ages. However, because of the times and society in the present age,camival has dimmod its religious characteristic day by day.
Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
tthe theory of revel
religion, the spirit of Bacchus
philosophy of interlocudon