为了研究五指山小型猪的泌乳性能及泌乳行为,试验测定了8头初产五指山母猪初乳(≤3d)常规成分含量、泌乳行为及第3、13、24和35d的泌乳量。结果表明:①五指山猪初乳(≤3d)中的脂肪、蛋白、乳糖和总固形物的含量分别为(6.64±0.56)%、(15.25±1.27)%、(1.99±0.15)%、(27.46±1.25)%。②随产后日龄的增加,母猪泌乳次数和泌乳持续时间逐渐减少,表现为泌乳次数第35日龄比第3和13日龄均少5.14次/d(P<0.05),且下午(12:00 ̄20:00)比晚上(20:00 ̄04:00)多1.46次(P<0.05);泌乳持续时间第24日龄显著短于第3日龄(P<0.05);日龄与日泌乳时段对泌乳次数和泌乳持续时间无显著交互作用(P>0.05)。③母猪分娩后0~35d的全期泌乳量和日平均泌乳量分别为31528.59g和900.82g,且第35日龄泌乳量显著高于第3和第24日龄泌乳量(P<0.05);日龄与日泌乳时段对泌乳量无显著交互作用(P>0.05);35d哺乳期内每窝仔猪每克初生体重日耗乳量0.94g,若以普通肉用型猪每窝每克初生体重日耗乳量0.50 ̄0.99g为参考值,则说明五指山母猪泌乳量充足。本试验结果表明,五指山母猪分泌的初乳干物质含量高、乳糖含量低,分娩后(35d泌乳期内)泌乳量能充分满足仔猪的维持和生长需要。
This study was conducted to investigate the colostrum composition, suckling behaviour and milk yield of Chinese Wuzhi Shan (WZS) sow. Eight WZS primiparous sows were used to determine colostrnm composition (≤3 d), suckling behaviour and milk yield on day 3,13,24 and 35 after parturition. The result indicated as follow: (1)fat, protein, lactose, and total solids content were (6.64±0.56)%, (15.25±1.27)%, (1.99±0.15)% and (27.46±1.25)% respectively.(2)With the increase in post-natal days the daily suckling times and suckling duration reduced gradually. There was 5.14 fewer suckling times on the day of 35 than those on the day of 3 and 13 (P〈0.05), and there was 1.46 fewer at night than at noon, (20:00-04:00vs.12:00-20:00,P〈0.05); Suckling duration on 24 day was significantly lower than that on the 3 day. And there were no interaction between day and daily suckling period to suckling times and suckling duration(P〉0.05).(3)The whole milk yield from day 0 to day 35 after parturition and the average milk yield per day were 31 528.59 g and 900.82 g. And the milk yield on the day of 35was significantly higher than those on the day of 3 and 24(P〈0.05). There are no interaction between days and daily suckling period to milk yield (P〉0.05); During the lactation of 35 days,milk consumption of per gram firstborn piglet weight was 0.94 g, which is near to the milk consumption of 0.50-0.99 g for commercial piglet, indicated that the milk yield of WZS sows was abundance for piglets compared to that of the commercial sows lactated. It was concluded that the colostrums of WZS sows has higher total solids content and lower lactose content and it can afford abundance nutrition to piglets.
Feed Industry
WZS pig
suckling behaviour
milk yield