1Cheryl Gudz,"Love," in Herizons,Spring,2005,p.34; Laura Miller,"The Last Resort,"in The New York Times,November 2,2003.
2Anissa Janine Wardi.“A Laying on of Hands:Toni Morrison and the Materiality of Love,” in MELUS,Vol.30,NO.3 (Fall 2005),pp.201-218.
3Thulani Davis,"Not Beloved," in The Nation (December 15,2003).
4Anissa Janine Warde,“A Laying on of Hands:Toni Morrison and the Materiality of Love,”in MELUS,Vol.30,NO.3 (Fall 2005),pp.201-218.
5Tessa Roynon,"Love,"in EJAC 23(3)Book Re views,pp,236-238.
6Anne Koenen,"The One Out of Sequence,"in Danille Taylor-Guthrie ed.,Conversations with Toni Morrison,Jackson:University Press of Mississippi,1994,p.81.
7Thomas LeClair,“The Language Must Not Sweat:A Conversation with Toni Morrison,” in Conversations with Tomi Morrison,p.121.
8Judith Wilson,"A Conversation with Toni Morrison," in Conversations with Toni Morrison,p.131.