1Xavier Pons,“Impossible Coincidence:Narrative Strategy in Brian Castro's Birds of Passage,” in Australia Literary Studies,Vol.14,No.4,October 1990,p.464.
4Brian Castro, Double--Wolf, St. Leonards NSW: Allen & Unwin, 1991, p.65.
5Karen Barker,"The Artful Man: Theory and Authority in Brian Castro's Fiction, "Australian Literary Studies 20.3, May 2002, p. 239.
6Stuart Hall, "Cultural Identity and Diaspora," in Jonathan Rutherford ed., Identity: Community, Culture, Difference, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990 ,p.225.
7Brian Castro, "Outside the Prison of Logic," Island 59, Winter 1994,p.21.
8Edward Said, Orientalism, New York: Vintage Books, p. 259. N Brian Castro, Looking jbr Estrellita, University of Queensland Press, 1999,p. 13.
9Brian Castro, Looking for Estrellita, Queensland: University of Queensland Press, 1999, p.85--86, p. 157,p.244, p. 150.
10Leo Hamilton, "A MELUS Interview: Diana Chang", MELUS 20:4, Winter 1995, p. 37.