
城市社区签约居民营养知-信-行及指导需求调查研究 被引量:10

Study on nutritional KAP and nutrition guide need for contracted residents in city community
摘要 目的了解目前社区签约居民的营养知识、态度、行为(KAP)现状及其营养指导需求,为社区营养干预提供科学依据。方法随机抽取成都市某社区卫生服务中心签约居民134人作为调查对象进行访谈式问卷调查。结果调查对象中70岁以上的老人占51.5%,超重/肥胖者的比例为41.8%,高血压和糖尿病患者比例较高(共占70.1%)。调查对象的营养知识水平较差,主要表现在对中国居民膳食指南、重要营养素的食物来源及其与慢性病的关系等知识的缺乏;营养态度普遍较好;根据DBI(膳食平衡指数)评价调查对象的膳食营养质量,有65.1%的人存在不同程度的膳食摄入不足或/和膳食摄入过多问题。调查对象希望社区医院主要通过讲座、门诊和发放宣传资料等形式宣传营养知识和进行饮食指导;48.5%的人希望获得个体化的推荐食谱;但社区医生与签约居民见面并主动为其提供饮食建议的频率较低,所提供建议的满意率差。结论加强社区医生的营养知识水平和饮食指导技能的培训,以满足社区签约居民日益增长的营养指导需求,以改善其营养健康水平。 Objective To investigated and evaluate the level of nutritional knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) and requirement in nutritional guidance for the contracted residents from a community health center (CHC) in Chengdu. Methods 134 subjects were selected randomly and interviewed by a questionnaire. Results Subjects included 51.5 % elderly people aged over 70 years, 41.8 % persons with overweight or obesity and 70.1% patients for chronic disease (hypertension and/or diabetes ). Most subjects lacked a better understanding of nutrition knowledge related to the Dietary Guidelines and the Food Guide Pagoda for Chinese Residents, and food sources of important nutrients and relationship between the nutrients and chronic diseases. But they had a good nutritional attitude. By diet balance index (DBI), 65.1% of subjects existed a problem of low or over food intake in some extent. Subjects expected to attend more lectures and consultation in nutrition and health, and get nutritional information in CHC for improving their nutritional knowledge. 48.5 % of subjects hoped to obtain special diet plan. Dietary suggestions and menu from doctors in CHC were very limited and often were not available for the contracted residents. Conclusion More training in nutrition knowledge and dietary guide skill for eornmunity doctors should be given to meet the increasing nutritional need for contracted population in the community.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2007年第4期251-253,264,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 社区签约居民 营养 知-信-行 指导需求 The contracted residents of community Nutrition NAP Nutrition guide needs
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