为了提高语音检测效率,降低高噪声对语音通话的影响,设计一款适用于高噪声环境的语音检测系统。算法在G729B的基础上对判别规则进行修改,使其适用于高噪声环境。硬件组合了DSP TI 5402.CODEC.FLASH.TI DSP专用电源芯片等元器件。最后对该系统在汽车、直升飞机、坦克不同噪声环境下进行测试。
In order to reduce the imoact on the soeech communication in the strong noise environment and imorove the quality of the soeech communication, we design a voice activity detection system aooIied in strong noise environment. The ahgorithm is ootimized based on the G729B with oattem recognition method to be able to be aoolied in strong noise environment. The hardware mainly consist of TI TMS320VC5402, CODEC, FLASH, TI DSP SUPPLY CHIP. The exoeriment shows that this equipment works as exoected to imorove the quality of the soeech communication and greatly reduce the fake detection rate according to the different environment exoeriments such as car, helicooter and tank.
Information & Communications