建立了测定太子参中环肽Pseudostellarin B含量的高效毛细管电泳(HPCE)分析方法,对10种不同产地太子参中环肽Pseudostellarin B的含量进行了测定。HPCE工作条件:采用未涂层熔融石英毛细管(内径75μm,有效长度50cm),分离电压为15kV,柱温20℃,二极管阵列检测器(DAD)检测波长为203nm,缓冲液为20mmol/L.硼砂(pH=9.3)溶液。在选定的工作条件下,环肽Pseudostellarin B浓度与其响应信号值之间具有较好的线性相关性(Y=0.6357X+2.546,R=0.9985),加标回收率在93.8%~105.6%之间。在此基础上进行了太子参HPCE指纹图谱研究,采用中药指纹图谱相似度计算软件对不同太子参样品的HPCE指纹图谱进行相似度计算,以系统生成的对照指纹图谱为对照模板,10份样品中有8份的相似度在0.90以上,说明该方法可用于太子参质量控制。
A modem HPCE analysis method was developed for determinating cyclic peptide Pseudostellarin B in Pseudostellaria heterophylla( Miq. ) Pax. Separation and determination were carried out by HPCE under the following conditions : bared fused silica capillary ( 50 cm × 75 μm i. d. ) ,20 mmol/L borate ( pH = 9.3 ) as buffer,the tun voltage is + 15 kV, detection length of UV at 203 nm, and column temperature of 20 ℃. The results indicated that the developed method was simple, accurate and reliable for the determination of Pseudostellarin B with a good linearlty( Y = 0. 6357X + 2. 546 ,R = 0. 9985 ), and the recovery ranges of 93.8% ~ 105.6%. Based on this method, the HPCE fingerprints of Pseudostellaria heterophylla ( Miq. ) Pax were established. The fingerprints were compared by the software of the similarity evaluation system for chromatographic fingerprint. The fingerprint congruence coefficients of 8 electropherograms in 10 were above 0.90. The method of HPCE fingerprint is reliable and accurate.
Natural Product Research and Development