

The empirical research on gender-subject stereotype's structure
摘要 性别刻板印象是在继种族刻板印象之后,逐渐受到研究者们关注的热点问题。本文运用内隐联想测量法来探讨大学生性别—学科刻板印象的加工模式,采用3×2×2的三因素完全随机设计进行实验研究。结果表明:内隐和外显的性别—学科刻板印象出现了实验分离现象。三个不同的内隐测量组的被试均不同程度认为男女性在学习文科时能力相当,学习理科方面则男性明显优于女性。但在外显测试中被试们却认为两者在学习文理科时无差异。结论:内隐性别—学科刻板印象更倾向于一种自动化加工,采用的是"自上而下"的省时省力加工模式。而外显性别—学科刻板印象趋向于自动加工与控制加工相结合,是一种"自下而上"、"三思而答"的加工模式。 Implicit stereotyping is an important study area in implicit social cognition, successive racial stereotyping, gender stereotype attracts the researchers attention gradually. The empirical research adopt the Implicit Association Test (IAT), which take the reaction time difference as measurement. The result shows: Implicit and explicit gender-subject stereotype appear experiment dissociation. Three implicit test groups various degrees agree that male and female's study ability in arts are same but male are superior significant than female in science. However, in explicit test, the results have no significant of male and female in studying the difference subjects. Conclusion: Implicit gender-subject stereotyping perhaps inclines auto process, adopting top-down processing model. In contrast, explicit gender-subject stereotyping adopts bottom-up processing model.
出处 《社会心理科学》 2007年第1期106-111,共6页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 性别刻板印象 内隐联想测验 性别-学科刻板印象 gender stereotyping Implicit Association Test Gender-subject stereotyping
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